The app is now on the google play store, at a low fixed price. It is not a freemium, subscription or ad-supported app
The IOS app is available at a low fixed price. It is not freemium, by subscription or ad-supported.
Thank you for testing the app.
Slower/older android phones will barely handle the globe displaying anything more than just satellite dots, and Sky View frame rate will also be slow.
Toggle Scope off to lower CPU use. Turn off ground stations and all other map features. Android compass can be unreliable! If, in google maps, the direction the phone is facing is moving around by itself, or if in Sky View the break in the white ring is not true North, then position accuracy will be poor. Try moving your phone in a figure of 8 motion to help Android re-calibrate the compass.
Please also check IOS Settings → Privacy → Location Services → (scroll down to end) System Services → Compass Calibration is set to ON.
Incremental search of currently filtered sats by
: ground station (planned or in operation).
Green Hexes : possible coverage area based on ground stations known/planned
Showing 'People' : green hex has claimed user(s), yellow has claimed pre-orders, red has claimed interest
Green : your home lat/long (settings)
Green : ISS or CSS
Red lines : possible home-sat link (assuming dish facing as per settings)
Click on sat: altitude history in window and sat chains.
Click on ground station : google/apple map view
: if home is set, and some time has passed viewing nearby satellites this link (in "...") will dump data to a CSV that you may be able to use for your own visibility calculations